• +91 94357 57684
  • alakeshroy123@gmail.com

Library Rules

1. The opening time of the library is 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.

2. The Book issue/return (Library transaction) time is 10 am to 4 pm.

3. The students can borrow maximum 2(Two) nos. of books for HS & TDC (BA, B Sc, B Com, B Voc, BCA) students & 4 (Four) nos. of books for PG (MA, MSc) students at a time from the library.

4. A book is issued to the students for a period of 28(Twenty eight) days.

5. After 28 days a late fine of Rs 2/- per book per day will be charged.

6. The students are allowed to enter the library only when they are in College Uniform (Dress code) & Library Card.

7. If the library card is lost a fine of Rs. 300/- (Rupees three Hundred) will be charged. The loss of a card must be reported to the librarian immediately.

8. All the belongings must be kept in the property counter outside the library at their own risk.

9. The teaching staff can borrow maximum 10 (ten) nos. of books.

10. The books are issued to teaching staff for a period of 6 months (180 days).

11. The non teaching staff can borrow maximum 5 (five) nos. of books.

12. The books are issued to non teaching staff for a period of 3 months (90 days).

13. Conversation, discussion, shouting, making noise, disturbing others is not allowed inside the library.

14. The books should be carefully checked before issuing because at the time of return if it is found that the pages are missing/turned/ damaged such books will not considered. In such cases the borrower has to submit new book of same title and author.

15. The computers can be used carefully by the students.

16. The internet browsing is restricted only to educational purpose.

17. Reference books/journals/magazines/ News papers etc. are not be issued and can be read in the library premise only.

18. The librarian reserves the right to suspend or delinquent membership of any member found misbehaving, abusing the library staff or behaving in an indecent manner.

19. The books lent out to a member may be renewed provided the books are not reserved by other users.

20. The Clearance Certificate may be issued to members only on returning all books borrowed and surrendering the reader's ticket before the final semester examination/ at the time of issuing admit cards.